Passing Standards
Skaters are constantly monitored by instructors and will be passed on to the next level when they show mastery of the skills. The following are detailed descriptions of passing standards. Use this as a guideline to track your skater’s progress. Remember that practice is essential to progression in any sport.
Snow Plow Sam 1
Free Skate 4
Skaters are constantly monitored by instructors and will be passed on to the next level when they show mastery of the skills. The following are detailed descriptions of passing standards. Use this as a guideline to track your skater’s progress. Remember that practice is essential to progression in any sport.
Snow Plow Sam 1
- Sit and stand up with skates on – off Ice– skaters must be able to complete this unassisted (2 times in a row)
- Sit and stand up – on Ice - skaters must be able to complete this unassisted (2 times in a row)
- March in place – Skaters can march in place without falling, at least 8 steps/marches
- March forward – 8–10 steps – without assistance and without falling
- March, then glide on two feet – skaters march four steps and then glide on two feet for 4 seconds
- Dip in place – students bend knees, keeping bottom down, and hold for five seconds without falling
- March followed by a long glide – skater will march forward four steps and glide on two feet for 10 seconds
- Dip while moving – skater glides on two feet and then dips for 4 seconds
- Backward walking – toes turned inward, shifting weight, 4-6 steps in a row
- Backward wiggles – six in a row without falling
- Forward swizzles – 2-3 in a row
- Beginning snow plow stop motion – in place or holding onto barrier
- Two-foot hop in place (optional)
- Forward skating – 8–10 steps, generating momentum
- Beginner forward one-foot glide – R and L – glide on one foot, on a straight line for 1-2 seconds, balanced over skating side.
- Forward swizzles – 4–6 in a row
- Backward swizzles – 2-3 in a row
- Forward snowplow stop with skid – skater uses inside edge to come to a complete stop
- Curves – skaters perform 2 foot curves in both directions
- Scooter pushes - use inside edge of blade to push and generate a glide, R & L
- Backward two-foot glide, length of skater’s height
- Backward swizzles – 4–6 in a row
- Rocking horse – one forward, one backward swizzle, repeat twice
- Two-foot turns from forward to backward in place – both directions
- Two foot hop in place – skater can hop and land without falling
- Forward one-foot glide – R and L – glide on one foot for twice the skater's height in a straight line, balanced over skating side.
- Sit on ice and stand up – skaters must be able to complete this unassisted
- March forward across the ice – minimal falls and momentum generated from marches
- Forward two-foot glide – the body is still while gliding forward in a straight line for at least four seconds
- Dip – knees bent, hips back, and hands forward as the skater glides for at least four seconds
- Forward swizzles – 6–8 in a row without coming to a complete stop
- Backward wiggles – 6–8 in a row without coming to a complete stop
- Beginning Snowplow stop – use 1 or 2 feet to scrape against the ice
- Two-foot hop in place (optional) – hop in place without falling down
- Scooter pushes – R and L
- Two Foot Turns – turn 180 degrees on the ball of the foot, using the twisting action. Both directions.
- Forward 1 foot glides – glide on one foot on a straight line for four seconds on each foot.
- Backward swizzles – 6-8 in a row without stopping completely, with minimal toe-pick scratches.
- Moving snowplow stops- stop completely with one or two feet, using the inside edge to scrape the ice.
- Backward 2 foot glide- wiggle or swizzle backward in order to glide the length of skater’s height.
- Bonus skill: Curves - Two foot curves in both directions
- Beginning forward stroking, showing correct use of blade- no usage of toe picks to generate momentum
- Forward half swizzle pumps on a circle – 6–8 consecutive, both directions, erect posture and arm positions
- Moving forward to backward two-foot turn – both directions, must continue moving backward after turning
- Beginning backward one-foot glides – R and L – 1 or 2 second glide
- Forward slalom – 4-6 using simultaneous knee bending to create momentum
- Backward snowplow stop R & L – stop completely after gliding backward
- Bonus skill: Forward pivots – clockwise and counterclockwise
- Forward outside edge on a circle – R and L – Hold edge steady on 1 foot for at least 4 seconds
- Forward inside edge on a circle – R and L - Hold edge steady on 1 foot for at least 4 seconds
- Forward crossovers, clockwise and counterclockwise – 4-6 crossovers with legs/ankles completely crossed, and minimal toe pick pushing
- Backward half swizzle pumps on a circle, clockwise and counterclockwise –looking towards direction of travel, with erect posture
- Backward 1 foot glides – R and L – hold for 4 seconds long, on a straight line
- Beginning two foot spin – up to two revolutions, optional entry
- Bonus skill: Forward lunge – both legs
- Backward outside edge on a circle – R and L – on 1 foot, without wobbling, at least 4 seconds.
- Backward inside edge on a circle – R and L - on 1 foot, without wobbling, at least 4 seconds.
- Backward crossovers, clockwise and counterclockwise – minimum toe scratching, generating momentum, 4-6 consecutive crossovers
- Advanced two-foot spin – four to six revolutions (Those in hockey skates exempt from this skill)
- Hockey stop – both directions (All will learn the skill, but only those in hockey skates will have to master it to pass)
- Forward outside three-turn, R and L from a stand-still position –turn forward to backward on an outside edge, and hold backward for at least 3 seconds
- Bonus Skill: Side toe hop – both directions
- Forward inside three-turn – R and L from a standstill position – turn from forward to backward on an inside edge, holding the backward glide for at least 3 seconds
- Moving backward to forward two foot turn on a circle, clockwise and counterclockwise
- Backward stroking – must be able to maintain a short one foot glide after each inside edge push
- Beginning one foot spin – 2-4 revolutions, optional free leg position and entry
- T-stop – R and L – back foot must be on an outside edge
- Bunny hop – 2-3 hops should be done in a row without losing balance
- Forward spiral on a straight line – R or L – free leg at hip level or higher for at least 4 seconds (Only one foot needs to be mastered at this level, but skaters should practice and master both sides as soon as possible during independent practice or with a private instructor.)
- hockey skaters should be taught Forward inside open Mohawk from a standstill position instead of 1 foot spin. R to L and L to R – speed should not be lost, equal amount of glide on each foot
- Bonus skill: shoot the duck – R or L
- Forward inside open Mohawk from a standstill position – R to L and L to R – speed should not be lost, equal amount of glide on each foot
- Backward outside edge to forward outside edge transition on a circle – R and L – forward edge held for at least 4 seconds
- Backward crossovers to a backward outside edge glides (landing position), clockwise and counterclockwise – held for at least 4 seconds
- One foot upright spin, from standing still T push position (minimum 3 revolutions)
- mazurka from stand skill (R or L, depending on skater's dominant rotating direction).
- Review of forward and backward crossovers- skaters should improve on the basic fundamentals of these skills. Smoother glides, solid body positions needed.
- Combination move: Forward crossovers (2) into forward inside Mohawk, cross behind, step into backward crossover (1) and step to forward inside edge – sequence repeated 3 times in each direction
- One foot upright spin, from backward crossovers, optional free foot position (minimum 3 revolutions)
- Mazurka from backward crossovers or 3 turn entrance – R or L – hold forward landing position for at least 4 seconds
- Waltz jump – jump from a backward outside edge and hold a landing position for at least 4 seconds
- Review forward inside and outside 3 turns. Stability and speed should increase. Perform turn on a larger circle than typical size in Basic 5 & 6 (size of hockey circle or a bit smaller), with length of skater before and after turn, turn checked well.
- Bonus skill: Backward inside pivots – clockwise and counterclockwise
- Forward power stroking – skate with speed without use of toe picks with correct position of free leg after each push
- Basic forward outside and forward inside consecutive edges (4-6) – control edges from start to finish with good balance and edge control
- Backward outside three-turns clockwise and counterclockwise (R and L) – on a circle, skaters turn with free leg in front. Entry and Exit edges are the length of skater’s height
- Scratch spin from back crossovers – three revolutions minimum – crossover entry into the entry of the spin, which is a controlled forward outside edge. Gradual acceleration in spin. 4-6 revolutions.
- Half flip – from either a Mohawk or three turn
- Toe loop – correct edges into and out of the jump and holding landing edge for two times the skater’s height
- Bonus skill: waltz jump- side toe hop- waltz jump sequence or waltz jump-ballet jump – toe loop sequence
- Basic back outside and back inside consecutive edges (4-6) - control edges from start to finish with good balance and edge control
- Forward outside and forward inside spirals, clockwise and counter clockwise (R and L) – skaters hold position for a distance equal to two times the skater’s height.
- Backward inside three-turn: R and L – Shoulders against hips action and knee action should create the turns. Well balanced edges needed in both directions
- Half Lutz jump – proper edges and body positions demonstrated
- Beginning back spin – one or two rotations with free foot crossed over in front
- Salchow- perform jump with proper technique and controlled landing edge
- Bonus skill: variation of a forward spiral, skater’s choice
- Alternating backward crossovers to backward outside edges, four sets – must perform skill on a continuous axis maintaining the speed needed.
- Alternating mohawk/crossover sequence – perform alternating forward mohawk/crossover, step forward into opposite mohawk/crossover sequence, one full set.
- Waltz threes, clockwise and counter clockwise – do a six count three turn with free leg extended throughout while holding each edge for the count of three
- Advanced Backspin with free foot in crossed leg position – three revolutions minimum
- Loop jump – perform a full rotation in the air and hold the landing for two times the skater’s height
- Waltz jump-toe loop combo or Salchow toe loop combination sequence on a circle – perform a combination jump with no extra steps in between and with proper body positions
- Bonus skill: toe step sequence, skater’s choice, using a variety of toe steps
Free Skate 4
- Forward power three-turns: R and L – 2-3 consecutive sets of the skill on each foot
- Waltz eight – complete the pattern both directions with one transition
- Forward upright spin to back scratch spin – perform a centered spin on both feet with strong core body balance. Three revolutions, each foot
- Sit spin – three revolutions in proper position
- Flip jump – perform skill with controlled upper body and landing position
- Half loop – perform jump with proper edges and body positions in and out of jump
- Bonus skill: Split jump, stag jump or split falling leaf
- Backward outside three-turn, Mohawk into three backward crossovers – Repeat three times clockwise and counterclockwise. A continuous circle must be maintained.
- Five step mohawk sequence – perform sequence with feet close together and free skating posture maintained at all times.
- Camel spin – perform spin in correct position maintaining enough momentum to rotate three times.
- Waltz jump - loop jump combination – perform the combination without breaking form between jumps on a continuous line
- Lutz jump – perform from a back outside edge and hold the landing position for two times their height
- Bonus skill: Loop-loop combination
- Forward power pulls – perform on right and left feet
- Camel-sit spin combination – perform the spin combination with good body lines, proper positioning and speed, five revolutions total
- Creative step sequence, skater’s choice, using a variety of three-turns, mohawks and toe steps
- Layback or attitude spin – perform with good positioning, three revolutions total
- Waltz jump – half loop – salchow jump sequence – perform combination without breaking form between jumps on a continuous line
- Beginning Axel – walk through, preparation, jump. Axel does not need to be landed to pass this test.
- Bonus skill: backward outside pivot, entry optional.
Practice Lists

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